Getting your Google AdSense application approved is my goal today. To speed up the approval process, I've put together 10 tips that my friends have asked me about.
Getting approved for Google AdSense can be a lengthy process if you've never done it before. If you already have a website approved by Google AdSense, adding other websites to that account is pretty straightforward.
If they were never approved or had difficulties getting approved, is this something that affects them? I believe it does.
Create Posts:-
Before you even apply to Google AdSense, your website must have at least ten high-quality posts to prove to Google that you are serious and that you have content that can be monetized.Generally, you should have five thousand to ten thousand words on your website. You should aim to write articles of approximately 400-1000 words each. As a result, you will be able to improve your approval rate and make Google aware of the quality of your content.
Create About, Privacy Policy, Terms Condition, and Contact Pages:-
People often overlook number two as one of their biggest mistakes. Your website must contain an About and Contact page before applying for Google AdSense.It's pretty obvious why Google does that; when you have your website reviewed, they want to make sure it is legitimate, so they want to know who is behind it. Those staff members can be listed on the About page.
Additionally, the Contact page on your website is helpful so your visitors can reach out to you if they need to.
The presence of these two pages will further validate the fact that your business is legit. If Google is watching you from the perspective of AdSense, that's incredibly important.
Non-Google Ads:-
Using sponsored advertisements is permissible if you plan to apply for the AdSense Program on the same blog or web page as your AdSense application.Essentially, you should be able to run Google Ads on your blog with ads from other sources such as, Adversal, BuySellAds, Clicksor, Chitika, Amazon Associates, etc.
Nevertheless, you should avoid allowing third-party ads on your site. Since your website will appear to be advertising-based rather than content-based, it will not be eligible for AdSense.
Plagiarism Free Content:-
At the beginning of content writing, you may have no idea what to write about, or you may simply copy-paste other website content or use spinners to generate content. Plagiarized content will not be approved by Google crawlers and you won't be approved by the AdSense team either. Besides being penalized by Google, you may also lose a lot of traffic, as well as earn less revenue by using copied content. You should avoid it at all costs. You should write your own content.Domain Age:-
Advertisers in India and China must own their sites for at least 6 months before they can apply for AdSense. Google advertiser interests are protected by this requirement. Therefore, the age requirement for Google AdSense participation does not apply to blogs and websites with the exception of India and China.You should, however, make sure your site is live before applying to the AdSense Program. In order to be approved for ad placement, a website must have complete functionality, not just a template or theme.